the bus that moves - from 1948 for events of all kinds

Intention (depending on the possibilities of the condition of the bus and the normative provisions)

Planned use of the bus:

a) for excursion trips

b) as an exhibition bus

c) as a bus for all kinds of events

Some rows of seats would be sacrificed in favor of a "reception lounge" at the entrance.
The remaining max. 30 seats should be mounted on rows of seats that can be easily removed so that the bus can be used as an exhibition space.

1. Excursion Trips

In order to make the bus multifunctional, some of the 37 original seats will have to be sacrificed. This means that the bus will probably have a maximum of 30 seats.

The planning of the excursions would be based on the power of the engine and the possible number of bends to be negotiated. The bus has 4 gears and a wheelbase of
of 6.7 m. The transmission is unsynchronized. It has a turning circle of over 22 m and no steering assistance.

It was designed as a bus for American long-distance transportation and is therefore not comparable with the manoeuvrability of buses in Switzerland.

2. Exhibition bus

The bus can be used for exhibitions / product presentations / pop-up stores of all kinds.
Available space: approx. 13.2 m2 (6m x 2.2m) with additional use of the large luggage storage area and an illuminated outdoor display case.
See also photos "The Greyhound as an exhibition bus in October 2023" under Link

3. For all kinds of events 

Whether it's a talk on the bus, readings, private coaching in an unusual setting, a venue for aperitifs, film productions, video recordings and commercials or as decor at events, etc., such assignments are also possible.

The external appearance should match the original design as closely as possible. I.e. with the Greyhound and the lettering Greyhound Lines, or now
This project was implemented on 11.07.2023.