the bus that moves - from 1948 for events of all kinds

The current project planning 

After it turned out that the original engine was still running, it was left in the bus. If necessary, it will be supplemented with an electric motor. This is technically possible.

To make the former Greyhound bus mobile again, it is to be restored in a first phase in such a way that that registration as a "sales vehicle" is possible again. The bus was already registered as a sales vehicle in the "heavy motor vehicle" category in 2011.
The goal was achieved on time on 7.7.23 with the successful motor vehicle inspection.

In a second phase, the expansion is then to be carried out in such a way that it will be possible to register the bus.
Sponsors are being sought so that the original seats can be repaired and reinstalled.
Cost: approx. CHF 70,000.

In a third phase, an electric motor is installed as an alternative drive to the diesel engine.

Advantages of the phased approach:
- The bus can be used as an exhibition bus again.
- This allows some of the financial resources for phase 2 to be generated.
- The bus will run regularly again

Work completed in the meantime:
- New lettering
- Major engine service
- Tire change
- New door lock
- Replacement of a defective fog lamp bulb
- Replacement of the starter motor

Next upcoming work:
- Replacement of 12 defective panes/windows
- Rewiring of the bus
- Recommissioning of the original horns




Project description

Projektbeschrieb mit Stand vom 23.07.23
20230723_Projektbeschrieb.pdf (379.89KB)
Projektbeschrieb mit Stand vom 23.07.23
20230723_Projektbeschrieb.pdf (379.89KB)

Description du projet
Description du project avec état du 23.07.23
20230723_Projektbeschrieb_F.pdf (254.46KB)
Description du projet
Description du project avec état du 23.07.23
20230723_Projektbeschrieb_F.pdf (254.46KB)

Project description
Project description as at 23.07.23
20230723_Projektbeschrieb_E.pdf (247.5KB)
Project description
Project description as at 23.07.23
20230723_Projektbeschrieb_E.pdf (247.5KB)