the bus that moves - from 1948 for events of all kinds


Would you also like to make a contribution to getting this travel icon and the bus jewel of a bygone era back on the road? That would be great! Thank you very much!

5 good reasons for sponsoring the "" association.

1. my valuable contribution to the innovation and further development of environmentally friendly
   mobility in combination with 75-year-old drive technology.

2. thanks to my support, the Greyhound bus is once again drivable and accessible to the public
     ...and I'm on board!

3. thanks to my contribution, a piece of the American spirit of the times lives on.

4. publicizing my company and cultivating my image, also through the communication and
    marketing of the project. 

5. unusual and useful advertising platform for my company.

The consideration for a sponsorship is discussed individually with the sponsors and, if desired, set out in a contract.


Unless otherwise requested, all sponsors will be mentioned on a plaque that will be attached to the bus and listed on the list of sponsors on this website.

Projektbeschrieb mit Stand vom 23.07.2023
20230723_Projektbeschrieb_E.pdf (247.5KB)
Projektbeschrieb mit Stand vom 23.07.2023
20230723_Projektbeschrieb_E.pdf (247.5KB)

Vereinskonto bei der Raiffeisenbank Seeland:
IBAN: CH85 8080 8005 0572 2772 5